His ears bend backwards and are pointy like a bat's--aerodynamics?
When he goes pee he doesn’t raise his leg, he just kneels down. Surrounded by too many women?
...and my wife sings to him so he can go pee: “Potty Time, Potty Time.”
He doesn’t respond to his name; either he is deaf or doesn’t like his name (what's wrong with the name Dorito?!).
When he is sad he makes strange noises, like a cat.
He barks at big dogs like he is going to eat them alive but then at the dog park he hides behind my wife’s legs, trembling.
He is the only dog I know that lets himself be carried belly-up like a baby in breast-feeding position (see exhibit A in photos)
He has an active social life of regular play-dates with another dog. They play some strange games.
He is schizophrenic. Every night at 11:00 pm his sugar level skyrockets and he starts running from side to side of the house, dragging his bed with him.
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7:20 AM The team is excited because our company just started a small project in Latin America with a big company in the US. It is a great feeling ! see news I received a very nice note from a Mattel friend who left a couple years before me in a situation similar to mine--chasing the dream. He updated me on his life and, fortunately, he is doing great. He described how long it took him after leaving Mattel to slow down and start enjoying his family, living in the present and not glued to his Blackberry screen. Just bought new shoes for my new job I'm entering the fourth week of my entrepreneurial life, and I think that I'm finally getting the hang of it. Here are the top 5 myths about being an entrepreneur that I have encountered so far: I'm discovering that having this much flexibility and freedom can be both fun and dangerous. I'm used to having a very defined routine, a rat-race type of daily schedule for 15 years: wake up at 6:30 am, eat breakfast, kiss my wife, daughters and, now, Dorito. Drive to the office just in time for that first meeting at 8:30am, then have lunch at 12:00 (Tuesdays - quesadilla, Wednesday - Greek food, Fridays - pizza), followed by more meetings, answer 150 e-mails and drive back home at 6:30 PM for dinner. Now I find myself with this blank piece of paper that is my daily schedule where Mondays are not very different from Wednesdays (except that it's the day they sweep the street) and, like a kid in a candy store, I'm facing all these options and I don't know what to pick first. After my on-"boarding" process for my new job yesterday, today was my first day at my new office, which is located at the intersection of my dining room and my kitchen. I showed up at 7:15 am, after a 30 second commute from my bedroom. I encountered some traffic in the stairway due to my daughters' getting ready for school, and our dog Dorito's desperate running to the front yard to take his morning pee. I turned on my computer and quickly scanned my emails from the day before. I noticed from the headers that I had received some hate mail since my previous blog post (loved it!). At 3:00 PM, I grabbed my last items from the office, surrender to HR my office key, badge and painfully my blackberry (see exhibit A) and walk into the parking lot, got into my car and looked for the perfect song to exit the building (couldn’t find it!) went to the gym on daylight ! and around 6:00 PM I arrived home, where a surprise party organized by my wife and daughters with many of my best friends was waiting for me to celebrate my first day of my new life. Fifty-something votes were cast, and I think we have some clear winners. To be honest, I was surprised. I assumed that the daughters/family options were going to be safe, wholesome choices that appealed to many, but only 25% picked those options (we live in a cynical world!). The "8 Hour Matrix Movie Marathon with Neighbor" received only 4 votes, one from my neighbor (of course), who has this awesome TV--but that's for another blog entry. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the purely self-indulgent activities were the winners: 26% went to "Go to the beach and do nothing" while 32% went to "Go snowboard and send you all a photo." making this the absolute winner. |